Friday, May 19, 2006

The Garageans!!!

(This is truly a sincere attempt of attempting unhealthy criticizm about all the characters i lived with, including myself, during the two years of my MBA)

PART - 1

Kumar’s Unforced Congeniality

If anybody asked Kumar whether he’s an engineer, he had two answers ready to avoid the conversation going any further. Either he would say, “Yes, but I am an engineer by chance not by choice” or, “It’s an accident that I did engineering; anyways the damage was done only to engineering and not to me”. At least that was what he planned to tell people to project himself as a witty person. But, if anybody did ask the same question with a slightly raised decibel level, Kumar felt defeated and cowed and helpless and would start shrinking within himself. He would answer, “Yes” and keep silent with an awkward smile which would force the other person to immediately look for some support to save him/her from Kumar’s unforced congeniality. He was a sweet, warm, friendly guy, who could make friends with anybody within a short span of ten to fifteen months. He believed in monosyllabic answers so that he could save huge amount of energy by not speaking, however, he was not sure what he was saving that energy for. Even a non-stop-non-sense like Krutik could not sustain for more than few seconds when Kumar extended his amiability. However, Krutik did not have any choice as he had to spend the two years in Hyderabad with Kumar.

The dry heat of 42 degree Celsius of Hyderabad in early June was something, which Kumar had never experienced in his life. Kumar would rather prefer to be boiled in the Chennai heat than to be fried there. However, did he have a choice? He had to stay there for the next two years for his MBA, get a job that would pay him in lakhs and get settled in life. He knew everything about MBA, landing in a job and getting settled in life as much as he knew about why and how Rajesh could twist his legs three times like two mating snakes, whilst he was sitting. Rajesh was a nice guy from Chennai whose life was very colourful but his only problem was that there were very few colours. He liked experimenting on anything as long as it was vegetarian food. But Kumar was technically a risk-averse person, though life forced him to take many risks. Ending up a friend of Rajesh was one of them.

Apart from being verbose, Kumar had too many other issues in life. He had to wash his hair at least once in two days (poor guy was suffering from an inflammation of the membrane lining a sinus of his skull); to defend Chennai from his friends when they started bad mouthing it; and of course going to college; to name a few really preposterous predicaments God had cornered him to. But he always felt like a phoenix every time he could find a cogent reason to avoid washing his hair; find an even weaker person whom he could beat in the war of words and of course when he could avoid college.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sincere attempt to capture the hostel life -- out of Chennai. Witty at places, it leaves the reader with a sense of 'feel-good factor' once s/he reads it.
In the coming episodes be a little careful about the sentence construction--do away with some long winding sentences intentionally.

5/19/2006 7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awaiting part II.... Revives good old BABA days>>>>

6/13/2006 4:33 PM  
Blogger Rose said...

Hey Raja..

I think its time u told us more..



6/29/2006 6:15 PM  
Blogger Ranga, The Raja said...

to pai pai and rose

hey sorry yaaron, getting lost in corporate maze every fresh day...

will soon be writing...

thanks for waiting though!!!

7/09/2006 10:04 PM  
Blogger starry said...

Nice post,kumar appears to be quite a charcter.

7/11/2006 5:11 AM  
Blogger Ranga, The Raja said...

kumar yaaru... saatha kumar aah yella kokki kumar aah

4/01/2011 5:29 PM  

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